The Bat Number One First Issue V1n1 – Jones Lloyd


The Bat was the house organ for magic Limited published by Lloyd Jones that ran from No. 1, Feb. 1943 until No. 86, Feb. 1951 for a total of 86 issues. A copy was given free with each order of a dollar or more. It was intended to bring a selection of good magic, much information, a little news, some views and reviews. It was also for a time the the Official Organ of the Magic dealers Association.. The Bat appeared irregularly, with at least eight issues a year expected. 4 pages, good condition

SKU: 004522 Category:

The Bat Number One First Issue V1n1, Jones Lloyd

Lloyd Jones, 1943

Condition: Good

Jacket: Soft cover,

The Bat was the house organ for magic Limited published by Lloyd Jones that ran from No. 1, Feb. 1943 until No. 86, Feb. 1951 for a total of 86 issues. A copy was given free with each order of a dollar or more. It was intended to bring a selection of good magic, much information, a little news, some views and reviews. It was also for a time the the Official Organ of the Magic dealers Association.. The Bat appeared irregularly, with at least eight issues a year expected. 4 pages, good condition